Impact of globalization on HRM

Human resource Management is transforming as the modern business faces numerous complex challenges due to factors such as globalization. This enable HR leaders to change their perspectives to global context. Three major factors drives globalization on human resources (Bhushan , 2014) . Shortage of talent in developed countries Most developed countries including United State, Germany and Japan are facing long-term talent shortages mainly due to the retirement of baby boomers. There are more workers retiring than entering the labor force in most of develop countries. According to World Economic forum (2010), USA alone need to add 26 million workers to its talent pool by 2030 to sustain the average economic growth of past two decades. While Western Europe will need to add 46 Million employees. This fact challenge HR leaders in developed countries to look for talents in other countries or global. Globalization of human resource helps multinational companies either to outsource th...