HRM and Ethics

Business ethic is very important part of any organization. It has mainly put attention on the social and ecological responsibilities of the companies within the society. Ethics are now becoming one of the most important internal concerns for the companies. Specially, Human resource function deal with people directly where ethical practices should be carefully maintained. HR includes numerous ethical pitfall that can damage organizations reputation if not managed properly (Dijk, et al., 2012).

Ethics is defined as a person’s situation- dependent application of moral standards, which stem from the traditions, values or beliefs that have grown in societies concerning right and wrong conduct. In ethical perceptive (Muller, et al., 2014). As per Pitt (2007), ‘Human Relations Management is concerned with a variety of ethical issues to be dealt with for making decisions related to businesses’. According to Wiley (1998, cite in Gramberg & Menzies, 2006) the situations where HR managers have less ethical conduct are related with Recruitment and Selection, Conflict Management, Health and Safety, Reward Management and Labor relations. Corporate leadership is expect to take into consideration on their decisions on more people than the shareholders (Muller, et al., 2014). Hence, HR and Ethics should work together.

How HR and Ethics can Work Together

HR is responsible for key systems and processes, which effectively deliver massage to encourage ethical practices in organization. Through HR, ethics can be given credibility and aligned with how business work with changed management, proper internal communication. HR should integrate ethics into processes such as the employer Brand, recruitment, Induction, appraisal, retention, motivation, rewards, training and developments.

HR also has a vital role to play in monitoring how ethical values are embedded. Staff surveys, appraisals and exit interviews will provide valuable information on whether the company’s ethical values are embedded, and evaluate ethical programs effective. Developing a reward system for ethical behavior, such as points for promotions or appreciation and award for ethical behavior will help HR managers to encourage ethics in work place.

HR professionals have a central role in supporting a workplace culture where doing the right thing is encouraged. HR professionals duty to ensure ethical practices maintained throughout employees career, from induction to exit interviews (UKEssay, 2018).

HR and ethics functions should work together to develop effective culture and good work environment for employees and stakeholders.


Dijk, H., Marloes , E. & Paauwe, J., 2012. Reframing the Business Case for Diversity: Avlues and Virtues Perspective.. Journal of Business ethics , pp. 73-84.

Muller, R., Turner , R., Andersen , E. S. & Shao, J., 2014. Ethics, Trust and Governance in Temporary Organization. Project Management Journal, 4(45).

UKEssays. November 2018. Ethics in Human Resource Management. [online]. Available from: [Accessed 9 June 2019].


  1. As you suggested HR has to play a major role maintain ethics in a business specially in countries like Sri Lanka. Monitoring and evaluating ethical value in organizations, specially in manufacturing sector in Sri Lanka will be an interesting one.

  2. As you have pointed out HR and ethics functions should work together to develop effective culture and good work environment for employees and stakeholders. Because culture is more important and supportive factor in employee engagement, performance and retention. If you have a good culture which balance with good ethical behavior then it will make the success of organization and will protect the brand name and the reputation as well.


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